Let us help.

Where are you located?

Our warehouse and business offices are located at 1705 Pillsbury Road, East Greenville, PA. Directions to our location can be found here.

Is your mailing address the same as your physical location address?

No. Our postal address is PO Box 217, East Greenville, PA 18041. All business mailings and bills should be sent to this post office box, not to the warehouse. If you are sending payment, please mail remittance to the address shown on your invoice from CJ Robinson; PO Box 826683, Philadelphia, PA 19182-6683.

How do I contact C.J. Robinson?

Please email office@cjrobinson.com for additional information or with your questions. You may also contact us via phone at 215-679-3970.

How can I place an order?

Please email or call 215-679-3970 our customer service with your order. Please make sure all purchase orders contain your business name, contact, billing and shipping addresses, phone, fax, and email. Please include our product number, quantity, price you were quoted, and shipment preferences. If you have special instructions, such as customer packaging or private labeling, you will also need to include those instructions on every order.

Is there a minimum order requirement?

C.J. Robinson Company will accommodate some small orders; however, our company mainly ships by pallet and in bulk loads.

What is the availability of product?

C.J. Robinson Company asks that you allow a 7-10 day lead time to complete your purchase orders and allow an additional shipping time for each order. We are often flexible and can expedite shipment when possible.

Who arranges shipping?

David Dwojak is our Shipping Supervisor and can take care of any specialty packaging and shipping needs for our customers. We use a variety of carriers and work diligently to find the best rate to your location, often receiving special pallet rate prices. This applies to both domestic and international shipping. If you prefer to arrange customer pickup with your own preferred carrier, our service team can assist you with arranging that as well.

How do I receive a sample of your product?

Please email amiller@cjrobinson.com for a sample of our product.

How do I obtain credit with CJ Robinson?

Please complete the credit application and email it to us. We will review it and contact you as soon as possible.

What is the status of my order?

Please contact us Customer Service at 215.679.3970 or email office@cjrobinson.com to get the most up to date status of your order. CJ Robinson currently does not have online order tracking.

How do I obtain a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for your products?

C.J. Robinson Company has provided the MSDS for our most popular products listed here on our website. If you should need an MSDS for an additional or custom product, please contact Andrew Miller in our technical department.

How do I obtain a Quality Certificate or Technical Data Sheet (TDS) for products?

For quality certificates (C of A) you must contact our Quality Control Department, who can supply a copy to you electronically. Call 215.679.3970 or email amiller@cjrobinson.com. Some of the product technical data sheets are online here. You will need to contact CJ Robinson Company if you do not find your product on our website.